Ahhh, yes, the dreaded flat iron. If you are like me....with a head full of thick, wavy, and heavy hair....you dread the application of any styling tool. Why? Just as an example, it takes me almost an hour just to blow dry my hair. And that's not even fully dry! Curlers? Heaven help me. Most days, I brush and go. I wash my hair at night and let it air dry. I'm not a "gotta fix my hair every day" kind of girl.
However, I came across a fabulous styling tool. Miss Lauren Deakle at Nouveau styled my hair for my 30th birthday party. When she went to flat iron my hair, she bypassed the familiar Chi iron for this new secret...the Croc Titanium. "Lauren," I asked, "whatever are you doing?" Ignoring me, she set to work. Within 5 minutes....yes, I said FIVE...my hair was done. The hair that causes stylists to gasp and moan over the amount of hair on my head took all of 5 minutes to flat iron every single piece into silky, shimmering, super straight luxury strands. I have never seen my hair look better! Not only that, but this flat iron (unlike all those other pricey ones) seals the cuticle so that regardless of the weather (hot, humid, rainy, windy), your hair looks just as fabulous as when first done until you wash it. It was the storm of the century the night of my party. Pouring rain, 20 mph winds, and steaming humidity. But after a long night of ducking in and out of the rain and having my hair whipped around for ferocious winds, it looked the exact same as when I stepped out of the salon chair. It even looked just as good the next day after sleeping on it!! By sealing the cuticle, the Croc also gives hair a softness that can't be matched even by silkening products!! I was in LOVE.
Luckily for me, Miss Lauren divulged a secret. While the salon sells these products for over $200, there is a website where you can get this iron for less than half. Really?! I set about searching for this website and lo and behold, I found it! For $93, I was able to purchase this one of a kind product. Now, I am not normally the type of person to spend money of any amount on things like styling tools and products. I refuse to even buy clothes that aren't on major sale and clearance. $50 for a pair of shoes? I think not. So for me to spend $100 on a flat iron, you know it has to be wonderful and amazing!
You must run to this website
http://www.sleekhair.com/ and check out the TurboIon Croc Titanium Flat Iron. It generates heat from 230 degrees all the way up to 450 degrees for difficult or hard to straighten hair. No other iron can boast that claim. It seals your cuticules, leaving hair soft and silky which also limits damage. Take that, Chi! Take a look at the photos. They speak for themselves!! (Just ignore my face in the after one...I was already toasted!)
