Thursday, February 12, 2009

It's my life

So I was driving home yesterday and I stop at a light about a mile from my house. The light turns green, I press the gas. Nothing. The truck wasn't dead, it just wasn't getting any gas. I manage to steer it towards the turn lane, and then it dies. So here I am, 5 o'clock traffic, half in and half out of the turn lane on one of the busiest streets in Mobile. Nice. I tried for 15 minutes alternately to call dh and to keep trying to crank it. The screen on dh's cell is broken so since he can't see who is calling, he generally doesn't answer. Finally, I left a message that he better effin call me. LOL I'm still blocking traffic, but I have my hazards on. I'm watching people in the rearview mirror speeding towards me, only to slam on the brakes about 10 feet from my car when they finally look up from their daze and realize I'm there. I was scared shitless. Not a single effin person stopped to even ask if I needed help, had a cell phone, anything. I was dressed for work, so in business attire. I don't look crazy or psycho or serial killer. There is no reason that someone shouldn't at least have rolled their window down to yell at me. :(" src="" border=0>Dh finally gets there, and pushes it to the gas station (luckily, that was about 5 feet up the road). We spent over an hour in the station parking lot trying to get it fixed. We ended up having to tow it home with the car. It'll crank just fine, but the second you give it gas, it dies a really tragic death (we're talking it shakes with earthquake like proportions LOL). We can't exactly work on it until we have daylight, which means Saturday at the earliest. I was able to bum a ride to work this morning from a neighbor, but no idea how I'm getting home today, or how I'm getting to work tomorrow. We were going to be able to pay off one bill with taxes, but I'm going to be really upset if we can't get it fixed and I have to take that $3K to find a cheapy car instead. Which seems pointless because if a car is $3,000, it probably wouldn't last long either. Faith (who gave me a ride this morning) said she used to have the exact same vehicle and she asked me if it was doing the shakes, dying when you tried to give it gas, etc. I told her yes and that dh thinks it's either a vaccuum hose or the fuel filter (both easily fixable). She said the one she had did the exact same thing, they changed out both of those items, and it still didn't work. So now she has me worried and freaking out. *sigh*