Monday, January 12, 2009


I am really tired of my weight. I've always been one of those eat whatever I wanted stay the same weight kind of people. Which technically I still am, only my weight number has gone up from having kids. I have a good 20 lbs I want to lose, but there are so many diet plans out there. How the heck do you know which ones are the best?? Not to mention, with 4 kids under 6, finding time to be active is a challenge. The Wii is a good start, but I need to find other things to do as well. I guess here's to the beginning of my weight loss lifestyle. Yeah, me! LOL

1 comment:

  1. You just described me (without the four kids). I need to lose weight too but I'm just not motivated. I can't let go of my chocolate and cocktails! I'd like to know what you try. Good luck!
